Detroit will get the compensation of $4 million for LED street light defects
foreign media news, recent Detroit public lighting administration spent $3 million to replace the defective LED thousands of street lamp, public administration of lighting for this charge. In addition, recently, the agency with the LED manufacturers Leotek Electronics reached a settlement of $4 million, without having to pay the full cost of the nearly $7 million.
this protocol solves the lighting administration lawsuit brought in May this year. At that time, the headquarters is located in the city of SAN jose, California Leotek Electronics USA company filed a lawsuit, said about 20000 streetlights malfunction - — 'Dim and extinguished prematurely. These defective lights to let a person very embarrassed, especially in Detroit officials will bright street as evidence of community service improvement, and affect the city renewal process.
about Detroit public lighting administration announced in September, Detroit, the workers have completed the replacement of the LED street lamp project. The city's claim that the cost of replacement project in 7 million to $8 million, and hopes to Leotek pay for replacement of lighting manufacturers.
'the Detroit news' ( 底特律新闻) On Monday, according to the report, the settlement agreement will not cover the full cost of the replacement bulbs. Reported that the bureau of public lighting will cost 3 million dollars to complete the project at a cost of $7 million. According to the paper records, before December 23, Leotek must pay $4 million.
in return, the authorities will take its unused Leotek lighting about 6587 original batch back to California company.
Detroit mayor Mike Duggan, said the deal is fair, the city I'm glad this problem solved.
Leotek USA, general manager of Thor Scordelis also issued a similar statement. Scordelis said of public administration of lighting, 'according to our standard guarantee, Leotek clarify with PLA and corrected the situation, including field trips, technical assistance and the replacement of the lamps and lanterns. '