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Shanghai CHZ Lighting's 2021 team building activities successfully concluded

Shanghai CHZ Lighting's 2021 team building activities successfully concluded


Recently, our company organized a hiking activity on the Huihang Trail in 2021; after two days of arduous trek, with the sincere cooperation and unremitting efforts of the whole team, the 2021 team building activity of Shanghai CHZ Lighting ended successfully, and the morale of the whole team , And combat effectiveness have been greatly improved.

The Huihang Ancient Road, which was built in the Tang Dynasty, has a history of more than 1,000 years; it starts from Yuchuan in Fuling Town, Jixi County, Anhui Province in the west, and ends at Zhejiang Jitian in Maxiao Township, Lin'an City, Zhejiang Province in the east. It is an ancient Huizhou merchant and Zhejiang merchant. An important channel for mutual trade is also China's third famous ancient road after the Silk Road and the Ancient Tea Horse Road.

The Huihang Ancient Road is 20 kilometers long. The ancient road is surrounded by mountains and water. On the right is the Xiaoyao Gorge. The stream flows in the canyon. , Is an ancient Huishang road with profound cultural connotation. At the same time, there are many ancient villages, ancient passes, ancient stone roads, ancient bridges, ancient tea pavilions, and ancient trees along the way, making it the most representative ancient road. In fact, it has become the first ancient road in China.


On May 29, 2021, the day was overwhelming. Our team was ready to go. At the door of the company, then at 6:30, the company's bus slowly started to start the journey. Under the leadership of the tour guide, we talked and laughed along the way, and everyone sang a wonderful song. From Nanxiang, where the company is located, to the Zhejiang base in Lin'an, Zhejiang, the 320-kilometer journey was unimpeded. It was 10:30 noon. Then, we changed to a small car and started walking along the Panshan Highway for 30 minutes to reach the starting point of the Huihang Ancient Road, Yonglai Village, Ma Xiao Township. We had a short lunch and rest in this village, and took a group photo in front of the "Huihang Ancient Road" on the plank road at the entrance of the village, and celebrated the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party.



Then we all carried some dry food and mineral water on our backs, and we started today's journey. The sky is beautiful, the weather is clear, the temperature is very comfortable, and the birds and flowers are scented along the way, and everyone feels very comfortable. Because of the 2020 epidemic, I haven't traveled for a long time, and it hurt everyone's heart.




All the way up the stairs, around 3 in the afternoon, we reached the commanding heights of the Huihang Ancient Road-Blue Sky Cave, where the view is wide and the scenery on both sides is magnificent; there are sunrises and sunsets, blue sky and white clouds and campfire tents, which are longing for outdoor hiking enthusiasts. It’s a place where you can truly appreciate the charm of the ancient road and taste the happiness of bitterness and joy. 





After that, we passed through the upper school, the lower snow hall, and arrived at Huangmaoping Village, where we had a short rest.




Our team is full of beautiful scenery everywhere, cheering and laughing, and at the same time not littering, not destroying roadside plants, and warmly greeting the villagers; we are cheerful and civilized, winning the praise of the villagers along the road and showing it to the outside world. The civilized image of the company.

At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, we arrived at Huangmaopei Village in Jixi, Anhui, and checked into the Gudao Renjia Hotel. This is a restaurant built on a cliff. Looking down the window, the cliff and the river are very spectacular. After dinner, night fell, starting at 7:30, we had a bonfire activity, the tour guide led us to do a lot of games, everyone sang and danced around the communication, it was fun.

I also used mobile phone special effects to capture the best wishes that everyone described with the fire stick: 2021, LOVE, CHZ, fully expressing everyone's loyalty and love to the company and their belief in winning in 2021.



It was late at night, everyone was tired from playing, everyone cleaned the campfire site and started to rest. In the mountains, in the incomparably quiet forest, in the incomparably fresh air, in the incomparably sweet dreams, fell asleep quietly.At 8:30 the next morning, we had a good breakfast, and then set off at 9 o’clock, we started a new journey, all the way downhill, here is the essence of the Huihang Road, the stone road hewn out of the cliff, all highlight The wisdom and hard work of the ancestors, all the way to the Jiangnan First Pass, Jiangjun Stone and Xiaoyao River Hydropower Station and other scenic spots. 


Here, our young boys and girls have taken pictures and left beautiful marks.




Finally, we arrived at Yuchuan, the terminal station of the Huihang Ancient Road. There were hardships and happiness on the road; there were efforts and gains; we all called to the blue sky together, exuding our inner passion. Everyone shouted out the rhetoric of "Roll up your sleeves and work hard, and dare to call the sun and the moon to change the sky."

Finally, we came to Longchuan Village in the ancient town of Jixi, an ancient village where the Hu surnamed a group of tribes. It has a history of more than 1,600 years. The Hu's Ancestral Hall here is the first shrine in the south of the Yangtze River. It is known as the "Woodcarving Art Museum" and the "Hall of National Art"; and the Longchuan Bridge is a beautiful landscape, just like the dragon spine of the river, towering majesticly. On both banks of the river.

On the beautiful and ancient Longchuan Bridge, all of us left behind our youth and invariably left our vows to "live up to our youth". They all expressed that they would work hard and pay more in the years to come. Hard work and sweat contribute to the development and growth of the company’s youth power,



After the wonderful 2-day journey, we all reluctantly boarded the bus and embarked on the way back to Shanghai.

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