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Spring Festival holiday notice

Spring Festival holiday notice


As the Spring Festival of 2021 is approaching, in accordance with the "Announcement of the 2021 Spring Festival Holiday Arrangements by the General Office of the State Council", combined with the company's actual situation and work arrangements, the 2021 Spring Festival holiday arrangements are hereby notified as follows:

1) Holiday arrangement: From February 9th to February 18th, 2021 (the tenth day of the first month), there will be a total of 10 days off. On February 20th (the ninth day of the first month, Saturday), work normally. Among them, February 11 to February 17, 2020 is the national holiday for the Spring Festival, and the rest of the vacation time is for the company's employees in 2021.

2) Holiday safety: According to the spirit of the latest epidemic prevention and control instructions, the epidemic prevention work must be continued. During the vacation, it is recommended that everyone reduce unnecessary trips and gather less; in case of emergencies and major emergencies, they must promptly report and properly handle them to ensure that everyone spends a safe, civilized, peaceful and happy Spring Festival.

I wish you all: Happy Chinese New Year and happy family!



JAN 28, 2021

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